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Research Projects

Research Projects

  • Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Urban Planning for Climate Change (2021-2026) held by Dr. Christina Hoicka. 


  • Do disruptive renewable energy innovations in local contexts accelerate a just and democratic energy Transition?  Social Science and Humanities Research Council Insight Grant led by Dr. Christina Hoicka


  • Energy Citizens for Inclusive Decarbonisation (ENCLUDE) (2021-2026) New Frontiers in Research Fund Global. Led by Dr. Christina Hoicka


  • CO2 Reduction, H2 Production, and Biomass Upgrading through one Single Electrochemical System: From Bench to Commercialization. (2023-2026) NSERC Alliance Mission grant led by Dr. Ali Seifitokaldani (McGill University).


  • Canadian Climate Policy Partnership (C2P2) (2023-2026), SSHRC Partnership Development Grant led by Dr. Jennifer Winter (University of Calgary). 


  • Inégalités, changements climatiques et transition socio-écologique : un état des recherches pour les villes et regions. SSHRC Connection Grant. Led by Dr. Sophie Van Nest (INRS). 


  • CANStore Energy: Seasonal storage of renewable energy. (2023-2030). New Frontiers in Research Fund, Transformation grant led by Dr. David Sinton, Dr. Kate Neville. 


  • Capacity Development, Research and Advocacy for Indigenous and Remote Communities (2022-2023), funded by Natural Resources Canada, led by Clean Energy BC with New Relationship Trust. 


  • Strengthening Diverse Research Capacity for an Inclusive Green Recovery in Canada” SSHRC connection grant led by Dr. Julie MacArthur (Royal Roads University). 


  • Just Energy Transition in Scotland and the Arctic: Managing Environmental and Social Impacts of Low-Carbon Energy Projects (2022). Scottish Government Arctic Connections Fund grant led by Dr. Daria Shapovalova. 


  • Pathway to accelerate the diffusion of demand-side low-carbon innovations and socio-technical energy system change (2021-2022). Funded by MITACS Accelerate with partner the Transition Accelerator. Led by Dr. Christina Hoicka. 





  • Savic, K., Hoicka, C.E. (2023). "Indigenous legal forms and governance structures in renewable energy: Assessing the role and perspectives of First Nation economic development corporations".  Energy Research and Social Science, 101, 103121.


  • Hoicka, C. E. (2023). How do we practice equity, diversity and inclusion in Sustainable Energy Research? advice for modern researchers. Energy Research & Social Science, 97, 102964.


  • Hoicka, C.E., Graziano, M., Leonhardt R., Zhao, Y. (2022). "Paths of Change: Approaches to Typify Renewable Energy Clusters and their Emergence." Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32496.53761


  • Walker, C., Poelzer, G., Leonhardt, R., Noble, B., Hoicka, C.E. (2022) "COPs and 'robbers'? Better understanding community energy and toward a Communities of Place then Interest approach". Energy Research and Social Science, 92.


  • Bekirsky, N., Hoicka, C.E., Brisbois, M.C., Ramirez Camargo, L. (2022) "Many actors amongst multiple renewables: a systematic review of actor involvement in complementarity of renewable energy sources". Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 161.


  • Hoicka, C.E., Coutinho, A., Zhao, Y., Conroy, J. (2022). "Philanthropic organisations advancing equity, diversity and inclusion in the net-zero carbon economy in Canada." Report prepared for the McConnell Foundation, Canada. Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28861.74721 


  • Hoicka, C.E., McMaster, M., Zhao, Y., Das, R.R. (2022). Diffusion of demand-side low-carbon innovations and socio-technical energy system change. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transitions, 2.





  • Hoicka, CE, Das, R. (2021) Viewpoint: Ambitious deep energy retrofits of buildings to accelerate the 1.5C energy transition in Canada. The Canadian Geographer.  65(1): 116–127.



  • Hoicka, C. E., Lowitzsch, J., Brisbois, M.C., Kumar, A., Ramirez Camargo, L., (2021) “Implementing a just renewable energy transition: Policy advice for transposing the new European rules for renewable energy communities.” Energy Policy. (156) 112435


  • Hoicka, C.E., Savic, K., Campney, A. (2021). “Reconciliation through renewable energy? A survey of Indigenous communities, involvement, and peoples in Canada” Energy Research & Social Science. 74, 101897. A previous draft of this research was cited in Canada’s Net Zero Future by the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices


  • Savic, K., Hoicka, C.E. (2021). “Reconciliation and self-determination through renewable energy? The perspective of economic development corporations of grid-connected First Nations communities” Report prepared for Smart Prosperity Institute (SPI). Available at:



  • Lowitzsch J, Hoicka CE, van Tulder F. (2020). “Renewable Energy Communities under the 2019 European Clean Energy Package – Governance Model for the Energy Clusters of the Future?” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 122, 109489,


  • MacArthur, J, Hoicka, CE, Castleden, H. Das, R. Lieu, J. (2020). Perspective: Forging Canada’s Green New Deal: The Socio-political Foundations of Climate Resilient Infrastructure? Energy research and social science. 65. 101442


  • Wyse, S. M., and C. E. Hoicka. (2019). ‘By and For Local People’: Assessing the connection between Local Energy Plans and Community Energy. Local Environment 24(9). Taylor & Francis: 883–900.


  • Hoicka, C. E., & MacArthur, J. L. (2019). The Infrastructure for Electricity: A Technical Overview In K. Hancock & J. Allison (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Energy Politics. Oxford University Press.



  • Hoicka, C. E., & Parker, P. (2018). Assessing the adoption of the house as a system approach to residential energy efficiency programs. Energy Efficiency, 11(2), 295–313.


  • Gliedt, T., Hoicka, C. E., & Jackson, N. (2018). Innovation intermediaries accelerating environmental sustainability transitions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 174(10), 1247–1261.


  • Gliedt, T., & Hoicka, C. E. (2015). Energy upgrades as financial or strategic investment? Energy Star property owners and managers improving building energy performance. Applied Energy, 147, 430–443.


  • Hoicka, C. E., Parker, P., & Andrey, J. (2014). Residential energy efficiency retrofits: How program design affects participation and outcomes. Energy Policy, 65, 594–607.


  • Hoicka, C. E., & Parker, P. (2011). Residential energy efficiency programs, retrofit choices and greenhouse gas emissions savings: a decade of energy efficiency improvements in Waterloo Region, Canada. International Journal of Energy Research, 35, 1312–1324.


  • Hoicka, C. E., & Rowlands, I. H. (2011). Solar and wind resource complementarity: Advancing options for renewable electricity integration in Ontario, Canada. Renewable Energy, 36(1), 97–107.



© 2023 Christina Hoicka

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