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ENergy Citizens for inclusive DEcarbonisation (ENCLUDE)

2021-2024, ETH Zurich, University of Piraeus, TU Delft, University College Cork, University of Glasgow, University of Victoria, Utrecht University, Joanneum Research, Th!nk E, Eko-svest, Green Partners, Missions Publiques, Holistic P.C.Energy Citizens for Inclusive Decarbonisation (ENCLUDE), Horizon 2020 LC-SC3-CC-1-2018-2019-2020 Call on “Building a Low-Carbon, Climate Resilient Future: Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy”, $2,882,057.49 EUR


2021-2024, Hoicka, C.E. (PI), ENCLUDE, New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) Global, $375,000


This project addresses the need to better define, contextualize and integrate energy citizenship into decision making processes by acknowledging and including different types of knowledge (e.g., scientific and experiential) from diverse groups in order to co-produce strategies for mobilizing and scaling up energy citizenship initiatives for inclusive energy transitions. Through the implementation of a mixed-method and transdisciplinary research framework, ENCLUDE aims to rethink and redesign engagement processes between government, business, civil society organizations and citizens for a decarbonized future for and by all. 


Motivated by achieving an equitable and sustainable future and the fulfillment of individual potential, ENCLUDE will contribute to the upcoming transformation of energy use by: 1) Assembling, aligning and adapting disparate energy citizenship concepts for diverse communities of citizens and for different scales of policy making, lowering the barrier for action, 2) Operationalizing the energy citizenship concept at all scales of policy making for decarbonization, and 3) Catalyzing a chain reaction of decarbonization actions across the EU. 


More information about ENCLUDE can be found here.


View the first ENCLUDE newsletter with project updates here.

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