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Our lab space is designed for collaborative research.The centerpiece of our lab is a boardroom style table for collaborative work and discussion. The space has been renovated to include video conferencing equipment that allows us to connect to communities and researchers globally through virtual meetings. We have large touch screens, white boards, and an audio visual room for confidential qualitative interviews, podcast recording and video and podcast editing.

Lab Agreement (March 2024)

This lab agreement is a living document and will be updated and discussed each semester.  Parts of this document has been inspired by/taken from the Tuffs Lab Manual, Tropini Lab, Willis Glycobiology Lab, Avasthilab



The following lab agreement has been developed by consensus between existing lab members and signed by all lab members. Commitment to the lab agreement is a condition of joining the lab.


Lab Values and Goals 

We strive to be a community of trust and support– rather than assuming the worst of each other, we create a supportive and understanding environment, we expect to listen and be listened to and provide and receive supportive feedback.  


We hold values of justice in research and being accountable for our analysis. We endeavor to share our work with the public where beneficial.  


We are willing to be adaptable to the needs of others. We want this space to not just be open and accepting for people who are currently members of the lab, but open for people of different backgrounds and life experiences who may wish to join. 


Everyone is ensured the opportunity to participate in all work and social activities. In group meetings, we will keep comments succinct to allow engagement by all participants. We do not interrupt others on the basis of disagreement; we will hold such comments until they have finished speaking. We will be considerate of dietary restrictions, familial obligations, religious observances etc. 


We commit to use only welcoming and inclusive language. Offensive behaviour or comments of any kind relating to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, age, race, ethnicity, religion, lifestyle choices, etc. are not welcome. We will be respectful of each other at all times.  


We are open to learning from each other. We want to grow together, and that means that feedback is welcome, is kind, is constructive, direct, and provided in all directions, to leadership as well as novice researchers.  


We are professional. All members of the lab deserve equal respect and recognition. Everyone, regardless of experience level, has valuable insights to contribute. Professional conduct is expected, which includes: 

Being punctual and prepared for appointments

Being mindful when self-disclosing

Following all safety procedures

Accept responsibility for your mistakes

Not gossiping about personal lives of lab members

Cleaning up your workspace and communal space

Treating equipment with respect

Respect each other’s time

Ask for, give and accept help when needed

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Harassment or bullying is not tolerated. This includes unwanted physical, sexual or repeated social contact. Consent is never implied, and if a lab member is unsure whether their behaviour towards another person is welcome, ask them.  


We commit to respecting research participants, and the network of researchers and contacts that the lab operates within. Our lab does research in collaboration with other researchers, with and for a range of organizations and communities. Our research impacts communities. We respect the relationships that have been built up by Dr. Hoicka and other lab members by treating these relationships with respect.  


Our physical and mental health are important. We recognize the importance of a supportive lab space and community. Research can be hard and stressful, but lab members should never feel the need to overwork or deprioritize health. Sometimes research is hard for months in a row. However, if you feel deeply unhappy for more than a few days in a row, that is a sign that something should be changed. We can lean on our friends and community, ask for encouragement, and seek out supports. Supports on campus include: the gym, activity clubs, medical center, counseling services, time management resources.  


We help each other succeed. A rising tide raises all boats. Your lab members are your teammates, not your competition. The same goes for other labs across UVIC. When they succeed, we all succeed.  

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Lab and Research Conduct

If someone tells you to stop doing something, do so promptly. We respect the privacy and safety of others. We will not take photographs of others without their permission. Posting or threatening to post personally identifying information of others without their consent is a form of harassment.  


If you see something inappropriate happening, a gentle reminder about the Code of Conduct is a productive response. If you believe a situation requires further intervention, please feel welcome to approach Dr. Hoicka.  


If you are not sure whether or not to approach a research participant or professional contact, and how, please ask Dr. Hoicka.  


Take responsibility for mistakes. Mistakes are inevitable. Everyone makes them and there is no reason to be afraid of making them - it's what you do with them that counts. Take responsibility when mistakes happen, not to be reprimanded, but so that we can get to the good stuff: learning from them and teaching each other about them. This is the only way to improve systems and processes in the lab. Help those who make mistakes and always ask for guidance and assistance when you've made one of your own. 


Keep a balanced schedule. Being productive is more important than putting more hours in. Hard work that comes at the cost of personal health and well-being is bad work. This is a marathon, not a sprint.  


Cite your sources. NEVER use content from outside sources (including your own) without properly citing them. We don't just respect the work that happens inside our lab, we respect it all. Especially that which informs and provides a foundation we build upon. 

Record everything. Keep meticulous records of your work and ALWAYS back up your data. Incomplete or spotty science is bad science, and we do good science in the Lab. Complete data is essential for audits and investigations. Incomplete data or poor data storage can destroy both your reputation as a researcher and that of the lab. If you don't have a way to back up your data, let us know and the lab will provide a solution. Note that your lab notebook belongs to the University so everything should be stored online on sharepoint . 


Never Manipulate or Cherry Pick Data. Remember we care about the truth, even if it runs counter to a desired result. The Lab has ZERO TOLERANCE for falsification. We will not, under any circumstance, compromise our scientific integrity. There is a fine line between removal of outliers and cherry-picking. Come talk to Dr. Hoicka if you have concerns about misrepresenting your data.  


See Something Say Something. If you witness unethical behaviour or scientific misconduct, report it. Tampering with experiments, data or analyses is inadmissible. This is part of being a good lab citizen. We take responsibility for everyone, our research, and the lab culture.  


Reproducibility and high-quality data is at the core of our lab. For each publication the lab produces, we are responsible for the integrity of the data, and the analysis of the data.  


Respect safety protocols and individual risk assessments. Learn the safety protocols and procedures we are required to follow in the lab. This includes both general lab safety as well as pandemic-specific protocols. Not everyone sees risk the same as you - respect their boundaries and expect them to respect yours. 

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